About PRG

Hey there! Thanks for stopping by! If you're here visiting, there is obviously one thing we have in common or at least some one you know who has something in common - Reading! We are your two reading hostess and sisters - Nala(20) and Jo(16). We're excited about sharing our passion by reviewing what we've read and helping people pick books that will impact and entertain them for life.

How this Blog was Born

With anything you do, you always gain some sort of experience. If you play basketball for five years you'll gain experience about how to play better or what not to do etc. We to have gained quite a bit of experience that has affected us, affected the way we read and what we read.
Our positive experiences made us want to keep reading, it made us want to read more books similar to that and made us become fans of the particular author's work. In fact our positive reading experience inspired us, it inspired us to write or inhibit postive habbits or characteristics that some of the characters had. =)

On the other hand, our negative experiences drove us in the opposite direction. It would almost put us off reading for awhile and we'd get so upset at the content or something in the book we didn't really like. It was through our "bad" experiences that the idea for a review site was born. Sure there were good reviewers out there, and some of them even gave us an idea of whether we wanted to read a book or not. But we wish they would be more detailed without spoiling it - you know the way Screen It or Common Sense Media does. You know what's in the book - you just don't how it will play out. This leads up to .....

What We Desired in A Review

After a few bad shocks, we decided to read a review or look up a book before we read a new author's work. Most of the reviews gave the usual synopsis, what they liked or didn't like in the book and how it affected them. However, just a few gave a few hints about what the content was really like. We use review sites like Common Sense or Screen it before we watch a movie. I mean alot of people do mind what the content of a movie will do to them or their kids.
A book is just the same, it takes more effort than watching a screen. When you read a book, you form the images, the scenes and voices in your head. You interact with the story on a more closer level than you ever would with a film. So we wondered, why wasn't there a book content review site for books? You know, One that gave us clue as to what we'd find in certain books and help us decide whether we wanted to invest our time in it or not.
Nala went online to research and found a few sites that did review books and their content. But when it came to Christian books, there weren't any sites really. From our experiences christian/so called christian books could be almost as bad as mainstream books.
So we decided to create a site to review both mainstream and christian books. We also wanted to create a place where one can request a book or book review based on what they want to read and someone could recommend a good read and so on. We hope you will find this site helpful in your quest to reading more good books. We also ask that you will be patient with us. As we are just starting out - we'll probably be a bit slow at reviewing and trying to cover as many books as possible.

Phew, that was alot! =D

Thanks for your Time =D
Nala & Jo

Oh and Another thing: We're not trying to be exclusive or anything but we've found that there are quite a number of clean read review sites out there devoted to Fantasy/Magic Themed Book reviews. We're not the fantasy/magic kind readers, so you won't find those kind of book reviews out here. Sorry =)

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